Welcome to everyone who found their way to our new blog! This blog is not a project, it's not a guide, and not a diary. It's simply life, our life, which we want to live to the optimum. Here we will talk about our own experiences of a healthy lifestyle, all the while striving towards the best it can be. We're not perfectionists, we just enjoy exploring, and we want to share it all with you.
We are very different from each other, and we will be posting separately about our own separate lives. But we will also write together sometimes, and we promise at least 1 co-post every month. We also both have our own personal blogs, in which we write about our lives on a more everyday and personal level, whereas here we focus on health.
"Health" in itself is a funny word, probably one of the most misused ones there is. Health is not something we consider as a thing separate from yourself. It is you, you are what you feel, and being healthy in every way is for us the same as happiness. If your body is unhealthy, your mind will be too, because it's all connected. Therefore we would rather skip the word health and focus on the word "super" instead, because that's what we all can be, and what we're all born to be. Superbeings.
We are not trying to change anyone or tell you that we know better. The fact is, we don't know much at all, and that's the whole point of this journey. You're welcome to read, comment, test our theories, give us ideas and suggest new things. The purpose of this blog is pure enjoyment of life, not a strict striving towards perfection. Join in and let's explore superlife together.
a & e
YES! Kunnon bra!!!! :)